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1. Thinking about the World
2. The First Flowerings of Philosophy
3. Greek Thought
4. Indian Thought
5. Chinese Thought
6. Medieval Thinking
7. A Renaissance in Thinking
8. The Scientific Revolution
9. Summary
10. References
11. Introduction
12. Absolute Knowledge
13. Analytic vs. Synthetic
14. Formal vs. Empirical Sciences
15. Two Questions of Absolute Knowledge
16. Fallibilism
17. Summary
18. References
19. Introduction
20. The Scientific Method
21. Designing a Research Study
22. Experimental vs. Non-Experimental Research
23. Conclusion
24. References
25. Introduction
26. Qualitative Research
27. Observational Research
28. Case Studies
29. Archival Research
30. Summary
31. References
32. Introduction
33. Correlations as Non-Experimental Research
34. Correlational Research
35. Correlation Does Not Imply Causation
36. Summary
37. References
38. Experimental Research
39. What Is an Experiment?
40. Treatment and Control Conditions
41. Experimental Design
42. Experimentation and Validity
43. Practical Considerations
44. Conclusion
45. References
46. Describing Single Variables
47. Measures of Central Tendency and Variability
48. Describing Statistical Relationships
49. Presenting Descriptive Statistics in Writing
50. Conclusion
51. References
52. Reporting Research
53. The Replication Crisis
54. Solutions to the Problem
55. Conclusion
56. References
57. The Many Varieties of Conformity
58. Obedience and Power
59. Conclusion
60. References
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Critical Thinking Copyright © by Dinesh Ramoo, Thompson Rivers University Open Press is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.